Have Estrogen Dominance? Follow my 4 easy steps.
Premenstrual headaches, weight gain, poor diet and sleep are symptoms of estrogen dominance, which if not addressed, can lead to PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, cancer, or an autoimmune disorder. Being on birth control for a long time has also caused your body to xenoestrogen exposure. Yikes!!
Xenoextrogens are industrially made chemical compounds that disrupt the endocrine system and alter the normal function of hormones. Estrogen is a natural hormone that we need in our bodies, but when xenoestrogens enter the body, they can increase the amount of estrogen in our bodies, resulting in estrogen dominance. Another contributing factor to excess estrogen can be lack of progesterone due to stress and poor diet. During these times, most of us are even more stressed out and haven’t been eating well. Poor diet, stress can wreak havoc on your body. So let’s talk about some ways we can address these issues.
First lets work on your diet and gently detoxifying your body. Removing processed, refined, trans-fatty foods and incorporate organic, fresh, whole, nutrient dense foods using the building diet from Bauman’s Eating for Health model. Incorporating bitter greens such as dandelion and artichoke leaf, eating cruciferous veggies, adding flax into your meals, eating cultured foods, taking a probiotic supplement, zinc, and B, C vitamins will help support estrogen detox. These foods will help correct deficiencies in your diet, improve digestion, and balance your hormones. Now let’s talk about some adaptogenic herbs that can address stress, pms and sleep.
Herbs such as dong Quai and red raspberry leaf can help improve symptoms of pms. Dandelion root can help detoxify the liver and improve digestion. Chamomile is a great natural relaxer and sleep aid and Ashwaghanda can help with stress and balancing hormones.
Lets get your body moving! Exercising 2-3x a week for an 30 minutes to an hour is essential. Try doing something that you love. Taking a yoga class can also be a great way to relieve stress, improve digestion, pms and restore balance.
And let’s not forget sleep. Try taking a magnesium supplement at night to help relax the body and get your body to sleep on a routine. Try to go to bed by 10pm and avoid eating 3 hours before. And let’s try to avoid using products that contain xenoestrogens, such plastic, health and beauty products, and some household products. Just be patient, trust the process, stay positive, and in no time you will feel great again!